Secondary 4 Term 5- Saturday 2pm - Online

17sep2:00 pmSecondary 4 Term 5- Saturday 2pm - OnlineDatesSaturday 17th September to 5th November (8 lessons) Time2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Price$295
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Course Description

As a school registered under MOE, this Secondary 3 course is specifically designed for students who have completed their Secondary 1 -3 syllabus or who have studied French for 3 years. In small group classes we’ll focus on developing your French speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, through a range of fun, interactive activities. You’ll take part in role plays and group activities, play games, listen to French songs and learn about the French culture through themed lessons. We follow the exact same syllabus as the Ministry of Education Language Centre for students who are studying French in lieu of Mother Tongue or as a third language and will work towards preparing you for your annual exam in September. This Secondary level program of 4 years will carry students from beginner level at Secondary 1 to advanced level at Secondary 4.


In this last leg of the "O" level curriculum, the Secondary 4s will have to apply all the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt in the past 3 years into compelling conversations and essays. They will learn more rules to complex grammar like passive speaking, future tenses and pronouns COD, COI.